
A Modern 20-Group Composite Dashboard Powered by Orbee

Orbee is bringing our years of experience powering the largest 20-group organizations to any group of dealers looking to collaborate with each other to measure and improve their digital marketing efforts.

Website Traffic Reports

Analyze the behavior of your website traffic and the performance of the campaigns driving the traffic.

Return on Ad Spend Reports

Input your various ad spend and lead costs and match conversions back to sold vehicles to measure ROAS

Multi-touch Attribution Reports

Leverage Orbee’s Customer Data Platform to simplify attribution for shoppers that come from multiple channels.

Analytics Platform Built for Dealerships

Deploy Orbee’s proprietary analytics platform across every 20-group member’s website and take advantage of standardized KPIs and website events from day one.

Identify which website visitors are service customers based on their online activity

Input Tool for 20-Group Composites

Orbee brings its 30+ years of digital marketing experience to 20-group meetings to collaborate with dealers from all over the world and tackle the challenges of the automotive retail industry.

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