Integration Request Form
Work Truck Solutions is a platform that specializes in providing commercial vehicle inventory solutions for dealerships and buyers in the work truck industry. It offers a user-friendly interface and robust tools to help dealers efficiently manage and market their commercial vehicle inventory, while also providing buyers with a streamlined way to find the right work truck for their needs.
Retarget shoppers who abandon the digital retail experience with Google Ads.
Send an automated email to users who abandoned a digital retail experience.
Retarget shoppers abandon a digital retail experience with Meta Ads.
Send a list of shoppers who abandoned the digital retail experience to a BDC team to tailor their outreach strategy.
Prompt chat tools to remind shoppers to pick up where they left off in their digital retail experience
Build a custom report to analyze how shoppers utilize a digital retail experience.
Retarget shoppers who start, but do not finish a digital retail experience with Pinterest Ads.
Trigger a website overlay to appear when a user who abandoned a digital retail experience returns to the website.
Unify a shopper's activity on the website with their activity inside the digital retail iFrame or subdomain.
Integrate digital retail interactions with other touchpoints to build comprehensive attribution reports.
Leverage digital retail data to segment shoppers into highly targeted advertising audiences.
Automate personalized email follow-ups based on digital retail behavior for improved engagement.
Orbee’s integration with Work Truck Solutions bridges the gap between dealership websites and digital retail environments, providing comprehensive tracking and analytics that traditional platforms cannot. As shoppers transition from the dealership website to Work Truck Solutions for activities such as calculating trade-in values, estimating payments, and customizing vehicles, Orbee meticulously tracks their behavior. This allows dealerships to retarget customers precisely based on where they left off in their buying journey. Additionally, Orbee can accurately attribute conversions that occur within Work Truck Solutions, enhancing the dealership's ability to build comprehensive multi-touch attribution reports. This seamless data integration allows dealerships to gain valuable insights into customer interactions and preferences throughout the entire buying journey, from initial website visit to final purchase.