Industry News

Why personalization drives customer loyalty despite privacy concerns

September 18, 2024
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As the automotive industry embraces digitalization, personalized connections with shoppers have become crucial for both retention and acquisition. It's no longer just about selling cars; it's about genuinely engaging with people in a way that feels tailored to them, making customized experiences a powerful driver of loyalty. 

For dealerships, this clearly demonstrates the importance of investing in personalization to attract and retain customers, particularly when targeting different demographics. Even as privacy concerns grow, personalized experiences remain a strong driver of customer engagement, making it essential to strike the right balance between personalization and data protection. 

How does privacy impact personalization? 

Personalization offers customers a tailored experience that feels more relevant to their needs and preferences. In the automotive industry, this could mean receiving recommendations for vehicles that match a customer’s previous search history, or special offers on services based on the vehicle they own. 

Multiple studies from Salesforce and McKinsey reinforce this trend:

  • Salesforce found that 57% of consumers are willing to share personal data in exchange for personalized offers or discounts, and 62% are comfortable with companies sending personalized offers based on their previous purchases. 
  • McKinsey's research highlights that 53% of U.S. shoppers regularly sign up for personalization, especially among younger demographics, with nearly a quarter of those aged 18-39 frequently engaging with personalized messages.

What’s interesting is that despite growing concerns over data privacy, many customers are still eager to share information if it leads to a more personalized experience. In fact, 63% act on personalized messages because they see value, and 47% do so when it’s for something they already plan to buy.

Despite growing concerns over how personal data is collected and used, customers are willing to share information if it leads to a better, more personalized experience. This is particularly true in high-stakes purchases like cars, where the ability to find exactly what they want—quickly and easily—can make a significant difference in the decision-making process.

Why is personalization key to effective dealership marketing? 

Personalization is a cornerstone of effective digital marketing, crucial for both attracting new customers and retaining existing ones. By tailoring messages to individual preferences, dealerships can create more relevant and engaging interactions. 

For instance, a personalized email highlighting a vehicle that matches a customer’s past searches or behavior is more likely to engage them than a generic promotion. 

This same principle applies across channels, from social media ads to display banners, where creative elements like imagery and messaging can be adjusted to reflect what’s most relevant to each customer. 

On social media, ads featuring specific imagery or offers relevant to a customer's interests can create a stronger connection. Personalized website content, like customized product recommendations or location-based services, enhances the user experience. Even landing pages can be optimized with dynamic content that adjusts to the user’s search query, creating more relevant experiences. 

By leveraging customer data, dealerships can not only target potential buyers but also maintain ongoing relationships, ensuring their marketing stays timely and impactful for various demographics. Personalization goes beyond acquisition; it's essential for fostering deeper engagement throughout the entire customer journey. Engaging customers at multiple touchpoints helps strengthen both retention and acquisition, leading to more effective and impactful campaigns. 

What are the most common challenges in implementing personalization strategies at a dealership? 

While personalization is key to successful marketing, implementing it effectively presents its own set of challenges. To maximize its potential, dealerships need to navigate hurdles such as data integration, accuracy, and segmentation.

Understanding and addressing these common challenges can help dealerships make the most of their online strategy and maximize their return on investment.

  • Integrating Data Sources: Dealerships struggle to unify data from CRM or DMS systems, websites, and the tools embedded within websites, causing inconsistent messaging and missed personalization opportunities. Without a complete customer view, marketing strategies may falter.
  • Ensuring Data Accuracy: Manual entry errors and outdated information compromise data accuracy. This can lead to ineffective personalization, reduced trust, and wasted resources if offers are irrelevant.
  • Managing Customer Segmentation: Segmenting a diverse customer base effectively is challenging. Poor segmentation can lead to broad marketing messages, wasted resources, and missed engagement opportunities.

Recognizing these challenges is the first step towards overcoming them. Addressing issues such as data integration, accuracy, and segmentation, dealerships can enhance their personalization strategies. Here’s how Orbee steps in to provide tailored solutions that turn these challenges into opportunities for success.

How Orbee Helps Dealerships Deliver Personalization 

Orbee’s platform can help dealerships connect with their customers in a meaningful way by making customization simple and effective. Here’s how it works:

  1. Data Integration : Orbee centralizes customer data from various sources, like CRM systems, websites, and the tools embedded within a website, giving dealerships a complete picture of each customer’s preferences and behaviors.
  2. Customer Segmentation: With this data, Orbee helps dealerships group their customers based on things like recent behaviors, interests or past purchases. This way, they can tailor their marketing to different groups more effectively.
  3. Personalized Campaigns: Knowing their audience allows dealerships to create customized marketing campaigns. Whether it’s a direct mail piece for older customers or an email for younger ones, these campaigns are designed to speak directly to each person.
  4. Performance Tracking and Optimization: Orbee tracks how well these campaigns are doing, from engagement to sales, and uses this information to keep improving. This means dealerships can continuously refine their approach and get better results over time.
  5. Data Security and Compliance: Our platform follows rigorous protocols to protect customer data, such as ISO 27001:2013 Compliance and SOC 2® Audit, making sure it is securely managed and stored. By adhering to these standards, Orbee ensures that dealerships using their platform can trust that their data handling practices meet industry-recognized security requirements.


We recognize that while privacy concerns are growing, consumers continue to prioritize personalized interactions that enhance their shopping journeys. Unfortunately, many dealerships may not fully capitalize on this, potentially missing out on opportunities to build stronger connections with their customers—connections that are crucial for both acquisition and retention.

Consumers reward companies that offer personalized experiences, but they also expect these companies to handle their data with care. As digitalization reshapes the shopping landscape, businesses must skillfully balance the use of data for personalization with the need to respect privacy concerns. Those who manage this balance effectively are more likely to build trust, loyalty, and long-term relationships with their customers—an outcome that Orbee is committed to helping dealerships achieve.

Don’t just take our word for it—book a demo with our experts to learn how Orbee can help you tailor your campaigns with precision, ensuring your messages resonate with the right audience at the right time. 

Stand out in a crowded market, enhance customer experiences, and drive conversions like never before.
Schedule a demo with us today! 

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